• 投影机 & 灯替换

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    This document informs staff about data projector maintenance and lamp replacements. If you have any questions or concerns relating to this policy, please discuss them with your supervisor, 经理, 和导演.

    Historically schools and departments have been responsible for purchasing projector bulb and lamp replacements. Starting with the 2014-2015 school year the OTIS Department has responsibility for replacing all District projector bulbs and lamps and, 如果有必要的话, 投影机.

    Requesting a Replacement 投影机 or Lamp
    When a data projector or lamp starts showing signs of regular wear and tear, 变色, 或者停止投射, contact the OTIS 服务台 by phone at 503-916-3375 or email support@pps.网. Please include the make and model of 投影机 and a detailed description of the problem. A 服务台 technician will evaluate 投影机.

    服务台 Equipment Evaluation
    A 服务台 technician will evaluate the data projector and lamp. As part of the evaluation process 服务台 technicians will clean 投影机 (blow out dust, 擦玻璃, 检查过滤器, 等.). Based on the technician's evaluation, the age and condition of the data projector, OTIS will do one of the following:

    • 更换灯
    • Recommend a replacement data projector if the cost of the lamp replacement exceeds $175
    • Recommend a replacement data projector